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How much you can pay by withholding of income

The amount we may withhold depends on your income and whether you have dependent children. If some of your income is withheld, you automatically pay off your debt. We call this withholding of pay.
Elementer i beregning af lønindeholdelse: indkomst, forsørgerpligt, lovpligtig afdragsprocent, trækprocent og skattefradrag.

Income and children determine your withholding rate

We calculate how much you can pay based on what we know about your finances:

  1. 1

    Your income

    For example, pay, pension, cash benefits, state education grant (SU) and company car
  2. 2

    Children you must support

    Dependent children under the age of 18.
  3. 3

    A statutory repayment rate

    The repayment rate is linked to your income
  4. 4

    Your withholding rate

    The part of your income which you must pay in tax
  5. 5

    Your annual tax deduction

    The amounts you can deduct in tax

How much of my income can be withheld?

You can use the indicative debt calculator to get an idea of how much income can be withheld.

Calculate your withholding rate (in Danish)

What is withholding of pay?

We withhold part of, for example, your pay, unemployment, sickness or maternity/paternity benefits (dagpenge), state education grant (SU) or pension. You will therefore get less paid out.

Is some of your income already withheld?

Get answers to what you can do when you are paying off your debt by withholding of income.

View and pay your debt

You can get an overview of your debt and pay off your debt at Overview of my debt (Mit gældsoverblik - in Danish). You may have debt that you cannot see there. Contact us for a full debt overview.

How we calculate the withholding rate

You can see how your withholding rate is calculated in the letter we have sent you. You can also see what you have to pay per month – both as an amount and as a percentage. There are two percentage rates in the letter. The withholding rate applied will depend on your income. Both withholding rates may be applied if, for example, you receive both state education grant (SU) and a salary.

If your income changes, your payment will also change

If any of the amounts change, we will change the withholding rate. For example, a higher amount may be withheld if your income is higher. If your income changes significantly, it is a good idea to contact us.


Three things you can do