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If you fail to pay your debt

We have several ways of collecting money owed, for example by sending you a reminder of the amount you owe, withholding parts of your income or levying execution on your belongings.


You can have your debt collected in several ways

We may send you a debt reminder

We may withhold part of your income

We may levy execution on your belongings

We may set off your debt

You will receive letters from us

The Danish Debt Collection Agency (Gældsstyrelsen) sends letters such as reminders or decisions by Digital Post, so remember to check your digital mail. If you are exempt from Digital Post, you will receive a letter by ordinary mail.

You must pay interest

If you have debt for collection with us, daily interest will accrue on your debt, which you are liable to pay.

Read more about interest.

We may call you

In connection with our debt collection, one of our case officers may call you. We will call the telephone number which has been provided to the Danish Customs and Tax Administration (Skatteforvaltningen) or which can be found by a search on the Internet via the telecom companies’ information. You will always have received a letter from us before we call you.

The purpose of the call is:

  • to obtain information that we need to decide how to collect your debt
  • to provide you with guidance on, for example, your debt, payment or the further proceedings in the case. However, you can always ask to be sent the guidance in writing.

A telephone call may be followed up by a letter if the conversation is of great importance to the debt collection or if you ask the case officer for written follow-up.

You can read more about debt cancellation in section G.A. Inddrivelse of our Danish-language legal guide, which you can find at www.skat.dk/juridiskvejledning.