- Dansk
Overview of your debt
You can see an overview of your debt in most of the letters you receive from us.
How to pay your debt
If you want to pay your debt in full or in part, please call us on tel. +45 70 15 73 04.
If you can´t pay your debt
Contact us if you are having problems paying your debts. You may e.g apply for deferral, cancellation or a recalculation.
If you fail to pay your debt
We have several ways of collecting money owed, for example by sending you a reminder of the amount you owe, withholding parts of your income or levying execution on your belongings.
Understand your debt information
The Danish Debt Collection Agency (Gældsstyrelsen) may offset any refund that you are due from the public authorities, such as a tax refund, against your debt.
We also collect debt across borders. Whether you live in Denmark or abroad, we will try to collect your debt.