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You must pay interest on the debt that is subject to collection by us. This means that you pay to owe money. The faster you pay off your debt, the cheaper it will be for you.

The interest rate is 7.50% per year

This is how much debt grows in five years

View and pay your debt

You can view and pay your debt at Mit gældsoverblik (Overview of my debt - in Danish only). You may have debt that is not stated there. Contact us to get a full debt overview. 

Mit gældsoverblik

How interest accrues on your debt

Interest accrues on the principal (the original debt without interest) and on fees. It does this on a daily basis (day-to-day interest). This means that your debt grows every day.

We calculate the interest from the first day of the month after we have been tasked with collecting the debt from you.

The interest is not tax deductible.

Interest rate development from 1 July 2023 to today
Period The debt collection interest rate
July 8, 2024 -  7.50 %
January 8, 2024 - July 7, 2024 7.75 %
July 7, 2023 - January 7, 2024 7.25 %
July 1, 2023 - July 6, 2023 5.9 %

The interest rate is normally adjusted semi-annually.

The collection interest rate also applies to student loans.

Debt at other interest rates

The interest rate may be different if:

  • you have agreed on an interest rate between you and the municipality (for example, for a housing benefit loan)
  • a different interest rate is stated in a loan document
  • you have debt abroad.

Debt without interest

Some debt for collection is interest-free. This applies, for example, to criminal fines and debt that is unresolved for us.

What you need to know about interest rates

See also interest rate for government-guaranteed student loans


You can read more about debt cancellation in section G.A. Inddrivelse (Collection) of our Danish-language legal guide at www.skat.dk/juridiskvejledning.