Debt that your payment may not cover
Understand unresolved debt in one minute
Watch the video and read more on this page.
(The video is only available in Danish)

Why your debt is unresolved
Your debt is unresolved when we suspect that it is barred by limitation or that we have insufficient information about it. This is the case, for example, if we:
- do not know when the debt was incurred
- have been sent the same debt item for collection in several instances
- are in doubt as to whether the amount has been calculated correctly.
Your payment does not always remove unresolved debt
If you repay debt that is unresolved, we typically have 12 months to investigate whether we can use your payment. Your payment cannot remove the debt until we know this. Until then, the debt will be unresolved for us.
Three things you can do
Repay your debt that is unresolved for us
You can repay debt that is unresolved. However, it is not certain that your payment will remove the debt.
Do not do anything right now
You can wait for us to ask you to pay.
Call us and get help on (+45) 70157304
You can call us to:
- find out whether you have debt that is unresolved for us
- learn how to pay off the debt
- get faster resolution of the debt if, for example, it means that you cannot take out a loan, change jobs or obtain citizenship.
No interest
Interest will no longer accrue on unresolved debt from 1 November 2024. The interest that has accrued on the debt until then is still part of the debt. Interest still runs on some unresolved debt, e.g. customs claims.
We will notify you when your debt is ready for payment, and interest will again accrue on the debt.